Group Umrah Packages

Group Umrah Packages Offer the Best Rates

If you're looking for affordable Umrah packages, one of the best things to do is look for offerings with group discounts. Group Umrah packages are generally less expensive because travel agencies and hotels know that they can book more rooms at once. You can also fill up the rooms that you do book, thereby splitting the regular room rate amongst more people.
Setting up a group trip, of course, first requires you to have a group. This is a lot easier now than it used to be. You aren't limited to recruiting at your local mosque, where you might not find many who can go at the same time. Now, you can also recruit people from all over the country by using Facebook and other internet gathering places. This gives you a much larger pool of potential participants, and if you pick a popular traveling time like Spring Break, you have a high chance of getting a large group of people to travel with.
Once you have your group, the rest is easy. Our group Umrah packages take care of visa processing, help at the airport, lodging at multiple hotels, and even sightseeing in Madinah. You'll all be able to take care of the activities of Umrah and then spend the rest of your time enjoying the hotel amenities, sightseeing, or shopping in both Makkah and Madinah. This lets you combine spiritual growth with the general recharge that comes with a vacation.
One of the most important things to remember with Umrah trips is that if you're from outside Saudi Arabia, you'll need a passport, a visa, and possibly vaccinations. Therefore, it's a good idea to start the process of obtaining everything quite a bit sooner than your departure date. This will give the relevant governments time to process everything at their usual slow pace, and you'll be saved from worrying about whether or not everything will come in on time.
We make the visa aspect of Umrah trips as easy as possible by processing your application for you. While we can't make the government work any faster, this will ensure that everything is properly filled out and that there are no unnecessary delays. Since you book your trip at the same time, you also won't have to be concerned about whether or not the hotels will fill up as you wait for your paperwork to be complete.
To learn more about our affordable Umrah packages, just visit our site at Feel free to contact us for more information, too. We'll be glad to tell you everything you want to know about a group Umrah trip.